What do you dream your life will be like in 10 years?
- I'll be 43. When I was little, I never even dreamed I'd be 30. I didn't know how to dream that big. I like to think that when I'm 43 I'll look younger than my age. I dream that I won't be falling apart like some of my friends in their 40's. Some of them go to the doctor too much. I dream that my husband and I will be married for 20 years and 10 years from now we'll be saying that we've been supremely content and happy with one another for a little over 10 years. We're just now in a comfortable and content spot. In 10 years, I dream that my son will be completely mainstreamed and show no signs of his speech and oral motor delays that are the reason for all the therapies we attend right now. (4 therapies a week, two speech, two OT, plus his preschool is ALL speech 5 days a week)...he's doing so much better than he was a year ago, 2 years ago, 4 years ago...he just keeps getting better and better and more and more amazing. He's a miracle. In 10 years, our beautiful daughter will be 16 going on 30 (I'm sure), but I dream that she will be such a gift from God, pure in body and spirit, loving and giving and trustworthy, and basically completely UNLIKE the way I was at 16. This is a dream. And in 10 years, the baby I am carrying in my womb will be almost 10 years old...I haven't even met him yet, but I know he'll be FUN! I hope to have one more child during the next 10 years...so really only God knows if that's going to happen. I dream happiness and love for our family, and this is also my prayer for our family. I don't care if we're poor or rich. I've realized in the past 10 years that money cannot guarantee happiness. Peace and contentment come from God, not from this world. The family we're given is from God, and so in 10 years I dream (and hope) that we are full of God's peace and contentment and enjoy each day we spend with each other.
- Children. Lots of money. Physically healthy. Comfortable.
For background on this project, go here: http://christopherheath.blogspot.com/2008/11/over-table-and-under-bar.html
Hellhounds, by The Gourds
As I walk the length of your broken fence
I cannot help but look inside
'Til someone hollers hey don't you pry
And I'm standing at the gate
No go and get you derelict or I'll sick my hounds on you
So I took off without mouthing off
Down the road to the State Fair
Now I see chickens, I see hens, I see the prized blue ribbon bird
But she ain't mine, mine placed third
Down at our State Fair
Now the State Fair has that carnie feel and it's smelling like my livestock barn
And the bearded lady's nice to me
We have cocktails in her trailer
Take it
Now her boyfriend he's the beanbag man
He's jealous as all hell you see
He caught me in her ole Airstreamer
Yes but, I ain't no home wrecker
On the way back home I pass again
The broken fence and I'm standing at the gate
I said buddy why don't you mend it
And he let his hell hounds loose
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